
The crossroads

Yesterday I received some information about certain crossroad here in my hometown which might be haunted. Eyewitnesses have seen an apparition of an old woman crossing the road and then disappearing. It happened in a daylight so it makes this hunting a lot more easier: Sitting in a sunshine with a cup of coffee and a camera in my hand - Ghosthunting couldn't be any better!

Well, near the same spot, people have seen a woman walking on the sidewalk with a child holding her hand. The child always disappears in a blink of an eye or so it is told. I wonder, maybe this woman had a child who died somewhere around that crossroad?

Seems like these possible entities are not to be considered as Intellectual spirits. The way they're re-acting the last moments of their lives or perhaps living the life without knowing they're dead does not seem like they really know what they're doing and therefore it is impossible to call them 'intellectual' in any way. The point with the intellectual ones is that one has to have its own mind and possibility to act according to his/her own will. They're usually unpredictable and may also cause harm if it is what they want.

Well, the one connecting piece with these two possible apparitions is the place, which is crossroads. Crossroads have always been seen as magical places. Some see these grounds as a vortex attracting the spirits and to some they're places filled with energies. The history of these roads dates back to several centuries, even decades. They're filled with myths, rumours, folklores and different magical aspects.

Personally I'm not going to investigate these above mentioned apparitions and mess them up with crossroads with all its history and neverending magical aspects. The thing is that both of these possible accidents took a place near or in that same place and I believe that this is the reason why the place is what it is. The traffic is horrible there so were these apparitions real or not, it is absolutely true and a fact that many must have died there. Perhaps violently and without any waning.

The results of this investigation are available here, at the Hallow grounds as soon as I'm done with it!


3 kommenttia:

  1. Tässä sivusto jonne kaivattaisiin lisää jäseniä myös Suomesta.

  2. Tuon edellisen linkin lähetti tyttäreni. Olen sen sivun ylläpitäjä. Jos annat luvan, laittaisin mielelläni tästä mielenkiintoisesta blogistasi linkin sinne ja olet enemmän kuin tervetullut tietty hauntingsiin. Kiitos etukäteen.

  3. Check out my Atlanta Ghost Blog...I think you'll love it...
